lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

California Health Insurance - The Keys To Finding The Most Appropriate and Cost-Effect Plan

California’s health insurance market has unveiled many cost-effective health insurance plans. With a little bit of research consumers can save a significant amount of money each year by securing the most appropriate health insurance plan for themselves, their families, and their employees. In the end, they might just have more positive feelings about California’s health care system.

Despite the highly visible social action efforts taking place in Sacramento to heal our health care wounds, it is likely that big changes are still a while away from taking effect. So, in the next few years there is a lot that you as employers, individuals, and families can do to quell the negative reputation that the health care system gets and start making the insurance process work in our favor.

In this age of internet shopping, more and more people each year are purchasing their health insurance plans online without knowing which plans are most appropriate for them. Most choose the health insurance plan that has a low monthly premium, but later find that this plan doesn’t fit their needs or the needs of their loved ones or workers. As a result, the costs can be much greater in the long run. Usually, the most appropriate health insurance plan will end up being the most cost-effective health insurance plan, even if it isn’t the plan with the lowest monthly premium.

Finding the most appropriate and cost-effective health insurance plan can be accomplished through a few simple steps:

1) Contact a professional health insurance agent from a referral or call the agency that you find online

2) Ask the right questions:

a. What is the difference between a PPO and an HMO? Which one would benefit me the most?
b. What is a deductible, co-pay, co-insurance, maximum out-of-pocket limit?
c. If I have pre-existing conditions, how will that affect my family’s rate and approval probability?
d. Should I sign up separately from my family?
e. Are there $0 deductible plans available? Would this be appropriate for me? Why? Why not?
f. If I get declined, what are my alternatives?
g. Which plans am I more likely to be approved or declined for?

3) Learn about the different types of health insurance plans in the market. This will only take a few moments to understand.

The following are a few great health insurance plans in the market that have very comprehensive coverage and can help you save money.

Cost-Effective PPO’s

First Dollar Plans: These plans have a $0 deductible so the member is paying only a percentage (usually 40%) of the negotiated rate for services from the very start of the policy. First Dollar Plans normally carry a doctor’s visit co-pay from $25 - $40. Such plans do not include maternity benefits*, which helps to keep the monthly premiums down.
*This may be a concern for women, but companies that carry these plans will often let you slide into their high deductible plan (~$5000 deductible) that includes maternity benefits should the member become pregnant.

These plans include different drug options to choose from…No Rx, Generic Only Rx, or Comprehensive Rx (Brand Name).

Some Popular First Dollar Plans in the Market include:
• Blue Cross Right Plan PPO 40
• Blue Shield Active Start 25 & 35
• Aetna MC Open Access 25
• Kaiser Permenente $25 & $50 Copayment Plan
• Health Net Simple Value 30 & 40

Medical/Dental/Vision Plans: These plans carry low deductibles that are often equal to their maximum out-of-pocket limits. They also include basic dental benefits and vision exams. These plans do not include maternity benefits and only include a Generic Drug option. Such plans are marketed toward the 19-29 age group, but these plans may be appropriate at any age.

Some Popular Medical/Dental/Vision Plans in the Market include:
• Blue Cross TONIK (has 3 different deductible options)
*TONIK has strict underwriting guidelines. It is advisable to consult your health insurance agent before applying.
• Blue Shield Essential Plans

Cost-Effective HMO’s

Saver or Value HMO’s: These plans provide the extremely comprehensive coverage of an HMO, but the addition of a deductible lowers the monthly premium. These plans still carry low co-pays. HMO’s are a good option for women who are planning to become pregnant. The maximum-out-of pocket limit is normally significantly lower than a PPO. When the math is done to equate the difference in total spending one may get more for the money with a Saver or Value HMO.

Some Popular HMO Plans in the Market include:
• Blue Cross Saver HMO
• Blue Shield Access Value

HSA Plans

Health Savings Account Plans: These plans are tax incentive health insurance plans that are growing in supply and popularity every year. Many HSA plans lack co-pays, so general coverage does not start until the deductible is met. This often lowers the cost of the monthly premium which makes these plans enticing at first glance.

Your accountant may recommend an HSA health plan because of its tax advantages. When you open a Health Savings Account through a compatible health insurance plan it allows you to put money away (up to $2850 per year now) tax free. This money can accumulate interest and can be used to pay for your medical services and Medicare premiums (when the time comes) with the use of a debit card that is authorized only for these uses. Also important, your accumulated funds and interest will rollover year to year.

Blue Cross Lumenos Plans are designed to encourage preventative care. They cover Annual Physical Exams, OB-GYN Exams, and Well Baby Care at 100%.

Some Popular HSA-Compatible Plans in the Market include:
• Blue Cross Lumenos HSA plans
• Blue Shield Shield Spectrum Savings Plans
• Aetna MC Open Access HSA Plans
• Health Net Simple Choice HSA

Becoming educated about the health insurance market is not as daunting, as difficult, or as time consuming as most of us are afraid of. In fact, a trustworthy and professional health insurance agent will be able to help you narrow down your choices so that you may choose the most appropriate plans for you, your family, or your employees in just a few minutes.

The next time you are searching for health insurance in California, please take the above suggestions to heart. Asking the right questions will make you a more proactive, educated, and responsible consumer and the knowledge that you gain will not only help you to find the right health insurance plan, but will relieve you from future aggravation and will save you valuable time and money in the long run.

By Erin Fish
EMF Insurance Agency, Inc.
(866) 601-8790

ERIN FISH is the founder and president of EMF Insurance Agency, Inc, an agency which specializes in helping people get approved for the health insurance plans that are most appropriate for your lifestyle and budget.

An agent can help you to select the most beneficial and affordable insurance plans. Of equal importance is your agent's ability to communicate effectively with you and the insurance company to give you the best chance at receiving coverage. The result is an insured individual or group who is secure and educated about coverage.

EMF is a “green company”. We are web-based to reduce the use of paper and minimize the negative impact we have on our environment.

Visit: Health Insurance Articles

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Blue Cross Health Insurance

The empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New York offers various Medicare supplemental insurance plans in order to meet the needs of senior residents. This type of insurance is also called 'Medigap', it is designed to minimize the out-of-pocket expenses which is associated with the Original Medicare Plan. Medigap plans have been paid for many of the things that Medicare doesn't, such as coinsurance, deductibles, and skilled care for nursing.
Blue Cross Health Insurance plans give freedom to use any doctor, hospital or even health care specialist of their choice. Everyone who is a senior aged 65 or better, is eligible for a Medicare supplemental insurance plan. It is open for the people residing in New York and already enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. Those who are under the age of 65 may be also eligible provided that they have certain disabilities, or have end-stage renal disease. In both cases, a senior person must be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B before gaining acceptance into a Blue Cross Health Insurance.
There are seven parts of Medicare supplemental insurance available through Blue Cross and Blue Shield health insurance in New York and these are the Plans A, B, C, F, H, K, and L. Each plan has at least the benefits contained in Plan A, and additional one or more benefits in subsequent plans.
The Blue Cross or Blue shield insurance offers plans within the defined regions under one or the two association's brands. This insures some form of health insurance coverage in every place in New York. They even act as the administrators of group coverage in stating government employees. A strong bond exists between the Blue Cross or Blue Shield system and health insurance since they help in policy-making, bodies at the levels of government in New York.
Some of the health insurance companies in New York have planned to merge in order to achieve economies of scale. Many health insurance plans are administered by not-for-profit organizations, while others are just for-profit companies.
Blue Cross health insurance believes and dedicated to offer the best of the new technology and old fashioned service. They want to let the people informed that they can answer their questions and give them excellent service.
For more than a few years, Blue Cross Health Insurance Plans have been symbolized a security throughout the United States specifically in New York.

martes, 21 de abril de 2009

Battles against Media's idea of "The Perfect Woman"

The never ending battle against the Media and it`s bogus idea of the "PERFECT WOMAN". *sigh*
Lately I have been studying the media, reading articles, watching news, and looking for anything that I can find to make me feel that there is still hope for our world. If you have read any of my past blogs, then you will already know where my concerns lie.
For those of you that are just reading me for the first time, my concerns are strong regarding women of today and their search for the true identity of themselves.
Women today have fierce competition. I have spoken to many men also and they have strongly let me know that they would not trade their gender for any amount of money. They actually feel sorry for the women of today. A few of them even shared with me that they hate the fact that everywhere they look, the media's idea of, "The Perfect Women" is stuck in their faces. Sure its nice to see, any human being will appreciate a nice looking picture. What happens at that very minute though is that they (the men) are put in a situation of feeling that they are betraying their partner by not knowing exactly how to react. I know, I know, some of you are thinking that it is the women's fault that the men think that way. I will agree in some cases, but these men that I have spoken to were being quite genuine in the fact that they themselves did not appreciate it.
I will be the first one to say yes to prostitution. Why? Because it keeps some of the damn rapists of the streets from attacking the unwilling women. I say yes to pornography; it keeps the men that are afraid to approach real women relieved of a very needed natural release. I also say yes to alcohol and to chocolate with ice cream, but my dear readers, before you frown on me for what I just said, hear me say this. "I do not condone the force and uncontrolled manor with which the media shoves all this down our throats. I thought this was a free country. When did we lose the right to choose whether we want to have the media's idea of, "The Perfect Woman", shoved down our throats every time we turn on the television, walk into a bar, just drive down the road (billboards), open a magazine, listen to a song, or even simply look in our teenagers room."
I was reading an article that was advertising the new television line ups for this falls season. I was horrified when I read about the graphic violence being used against women. Episodes showing a woman thrashing in a cage, with duct tape across her eyes, while a man's hands are shown grabbing her bloodied fingers through the bars of the cage and ripping off her fingernails. Another is chained up like a dog in a basement by her so called loving husband. It gets worse; there is also one with a woman paralyzed by venomous spider bites and is being raped by a masked figure. These are what society is allowing for after dinner viewing. I am embarrassed to even say that this is my world seeing this. They made more noise when Janet Jackson slipped a peak of her nipple at a damn football game. In a word...SAD!! The media has definitely figured out how to make money at every woman's expense.
On a much happier note, in my searching the worlds media I did find a very refreshing commercial put out by DOVE. It can be viewed at their website: . "Cheers Dove" is all I can say. Dove is pushing hard and continuing an uphill climb to bring back what was put on this earth as, The Real Women.
I also ran into an article trying to cut this refreshing change down. The magazine people that pride themselves on using air-brushed models with unrealistic looks, called the Dove girls in this commercial, "civilians". Ha! Now that is a very obvious show of defeat. They're even trying to say that women of today will not want to buy from ads that do not promise you unrealistic beauty. Ladies, the media is in fact calling you stupid as far as I read. I take that as an out right insult.
It's about time that someone stood up and gave the media's negative actions a run for their money. Money made at real women's expense, as I said already once. They also mention something as silly as women worry if they looked fat in their pants, as being an old age insecurity. DUH! No one ever said it was new, jeesh. I am also curious just how far women today are willing to let the media's idea of "The Perfect Woman" go. We are already the butt-end of the cosmetic surgery joke. I feel that the only reason any woman would be turned off by Dove's real women, is because they have been so brain washed into thinking that the media's idea of "The Perfect Women" is what is real. I feel sorry for them. Ladies of today, we must stand up and fight back. Do not let them turn, what is suppose to be real, into barbie dolls.
So many women are confused about what is, and what is not. Why do you think so many women suffer from low self-esteem, with cosmetic surgery at every street corner and so many unrealistic expectations coming to us from the media on how a women is suppose to look? Blah, blah. It's no wonder women are so confused.
Well I know that there is strength in numbers and I do know that there are more women today that are sick of all of the media's ideas. Ladies with low-self esteem, stand up, go to the store, and support DOVE. So what? They make money and yes, maybe there is a bit of truth that they too are using us as a way to profit. But at least we have a place to start to turn things around. We will never be able to turn them back, but we can make them work for us, not against us. Oh if anyone thinks that Dove has asked me, or payed me to speak of them in my blog, NO and NO. I am speaking on behalf of every women out there has been damaged by all the garbage that the media is trying to run our world with. Womens is happy to say that Dove is doing a very good thing, on the "real women" of today's behalf.

"Don't back down just to keep the peace,
Standing up for your beliefs builds self-confidence and self-esteem."
-Oprah Winfrey
Dorothy LafrinereOwner/Operator Website- Weblog- Forum- email-

Tonik Health Insurance

Tonik health insurance is currently only offered in six states - Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, California, Nevada, and New Hampshire. Tonik Insurance is health insurance, vision insurance, dental insurance, and generic drug dispensation all rolled into one affordable and simple plan. You may apply for it online and it has instant approval for eligible applicants.
Tonik Health Insurance is comprehensive insurance coverage, and also adds in office visits, first-rate preventive care, emergency, and hospital care. Having this system of coverage, there's no necessity for a primary physician, and with the Blue Card© program coverage you're covered nationwide all over the United States. Tonik additionally retains its own continuous customer service department.

Costs differ from state to state and are additionally calculated on what program you select. There are 3 distinctive programs from which to choose, every one explained in clear and simple terms. The entire 3 programs present the equivalent multifaceted coverage: emergency, preventive, prescriptions, teeth, and eyes. The single dissimilarity is the monthly payment, co-pay, deductible, and amount of doctor's appointments included.

A co-pay is a figure that you pay for a benefit. For instance with Tonik you might pay a $20, $30, or $40 co-pay for a doctor appointment. With this plan, you do get to select your own doctor.

All Tonik programs pay for generic drugs. Through Tonik, you pay only a $10 co-pay to have a generic prescription filled. Tonik doesn't give coverage for brand name prescription. A lot of drugs do have a generic counterpart.
Tonik programs are comparable to the majority health plans that are presented in the United States. Then again, Tonik is somewhat distinctive since it doesn't cover brand name drugs or maternity.

Every participating state particularly controls the costs of health insurance. This is done to make sure every person pays the identical premium.

For more helpful information on Tonik health insurance, try visiting, a website that specializes in providing insurance related information, tips and resources including advice on health insurance coverage, car insurance, and more.

Visit :Tonik Health Insurance